










Drehbücher Fiction












































If you are a policeman, you have taken your oath of service. And because you have it, you seek the truth. Nothing but the truth. And that was your mistake, Peter Reichard

With this text and picture, Playboy introduced the reportage that was published in the May 1984 issue. Almost forty years have passed. Now I am working on a book that describes what happened. Back then. After that. Up to the present day. Times of prostitution, sex on stage, violence, mafia, corruption - of alliances between milieu, police, politics, showbiz and media - and all under the watchful eyes of the secret services.
The journey through time begins in Hamburg's red-light district of St. Pauli, leads to Monaco to the casino and the princely court, to Washington D.C. directly to the White House, on to the Cosa Nostra domains of Boston, Florida and Las Vegas, to Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg) to the Soviet secret service KGB and the state security of the GDR, to the St.- Pauli branch in Costa Rica's capital San José, runs right across Europe to the gaming tables of the Velden casino on Austria's Wörther See, and ends back in St. Pauli.
In this male-heavy colorful world of international crime, two German women play strong roles, one as a Mafiosa, the other as the boss of a call-girl ring. The remaining women are left with the role of prostitutes, a profession that should not exist because of its contempt for humanity. I also fought and continue to fight for this.

By my side were a handful of clean colleagues, an upright journalist and Hamburg's later First Mayor. Figures from the underworld also helped me. My best friend was the most committed. After the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, he was arrested as an agent of the GDR State Security.



There is no justification for terror, whether for political or religious reasons. No matter whether from right or left. Because we are all foreigners as soon as we leave Germany - for a vacation in Thailand or a business appointment in Dubai. Our history obliges us to fight for our values, our still young democracy. We must never forget: The unbelievable atrocities in the Third Reich, the precise administration of a gigantic killing machinery with subsequent bureaucratically instructed utilization of the corpses down to the last fingertip - that too was "Made in Germany". This gives us a very special responsibility.




The Kidnapping Case Natascha Kampusch


The whole shameful Truth

by Peter Reichard with a foreword by Stefan Aust
Riva Verlag (German publisher, hardback edition - 21 March 2016)

Since Natascha Kampusch's escape in 2006 Peter Reichard researched together with his Austrian wife Evelyne in the case. He was the author of the German ARD documentary "Natascha Kampusch - 3096 Days captivity" and described the shooting with her in the German ZEIT MAGAZIN. For the movie "3096 Days" he and his wife worked closely with Bernd Eichinger.



Documentary filmmaker Peter Reichard stands for almost ten years in close contact with Natascha Kampusch and has worked its way through intensive research deep into the details of the kidnapping case. He has scoured all essential files meticulously, has spoken with witnesses, participants and investigators and also with Natascha Kampusch herself and her family. He has encountered insights that no one has so clearly worked out before him. The result is a detail-researched analysis of a case. His research brings new, harrowing and previously undisclosed findings about Natascha Kampusch kidnapping time to light and he reported for the first time in the history of this case, after all the media speculation and political scandals, what really happened.

Available at Riva Verlag (German hardcover book) and (for now only as German eBook).